Buttplug integration to the Open Saddle Vibrator

Hi all,
I designed and build the Open Saddle Vibrator a few years ago. It uses an Arduino Uno for a main controller ‘mainboard’ in side the dome that controls a couple of motor speed controllers and an Arduino Nano in a controller that just acts as an interface for a couple of buttons and pots for speed control. The Arduinos communicate via their tx/rx serial pins using someone exceptionally simple strings. I designed it this way for future expansion. I would like to get some advice on how I could make it use the buttplug.io and launch it as a alternative method of control.

I am not sure where to start, the code for viewing if anyone is interested is on the thingiverse page.



Ahahaha holy shit this project fucking rules.

You’re in luck that I just added a way to make this WAY easier to Intiface Central. Unfortunately it is still undocumented but I’ll try to get you instructions in the next day or two. tl;dr You should be able to write a python script to go from Buttplug to your device for now. In the future you’ll be able to go directly from Buttplug to serial, but I don’t quite have serial config UI done yet.