First- great bit of software, your efforts are appreciated!
Per satisfyers’ product description, the threesome 4 has 3 independently controllable motors when using their official app (have not verified this myself.) generates 3 sliders for it when connecting.
Intiface central only winds up with 2.
“With the free Satisfyer Connect App, you can even control the 3 motors of the vibrator individually”
Can you send in your logs using the “send logs to developers” option in the settings tab, then ping me with the contact name you put in the report?
This is most likely a new Satisfyer device ID we’re not matching properly yet.
reported it with the name ‘bugreporter6969’, hopefully that’s sufficient!
Hmm. It doesn’t appear to have arrived. You’re not running on iOS or macOS are you?
reported again, from android.
The system seems to have eaten my latest reply, but I sent it again yesterday. I’m using android. Maybe I’m doing something wrong when trying to send the logs?
Yeah, Discourse marked your replies as spam. Just sorted that.
Still not seeing the reports in sentry though. Is there a report code on Intiface’s log?