Intiface Game Haptics Router (GHR) Rumble Mod Game Support List

This is a list of all games that have been tested with the Intiface Game Haptics Router. Information includes:

  • When the game was last tested
  • Whether it works or not
  • Any extra information needed to connect to the game
  • If known, how well it works.

If you’ve tested a game and would like it added to the list, please let me know via either

Game Name Working? Notes
.//Hack GU Last Recode Yes
Battle Block Theater No
Beat Hazard No No output to intiface
Beat Saber (VR) No Broken
Bit Blaster XL Yes Have to enable vibration in options, only rumbles with impacts and explosions but
Bloodstain: Ritual of the Night Yes Select the Win64/32 for the process, a great deal of Rumble
Borderlands 2 Yes Shooting, taking damage, activating the action skill
Broforce Yes Every shot/explosion vibrates
Castle Crashers No
Celeste Yes Rumble MAY work with mouse/keyboard active
Cemu Yes May have to adjust rumble output in input settings. Assume all compatible games work.
Crystal Crysis No Not a huge amount of rumble
Cuphead Yes Short burst on taking damage
Dark Souls Yes
Dark Souls 2 Yes
Dark Souls 3 Yes
Darksiders 2 Dethinitive Edition Yes
Darksiders Warmaster Edition No
Dead Cells Yes
Dead Space Yes Butt-clenchingly compatible. Sudden large changes in vibration intensity.
Deep Rock Galactic Yes Mainly with Firearms (might want to raise multiplier)
Divinity OS 1 Yes mainly in combat from what I understand and may need to increase Vibration
Divinity: Original Sin II Yes Vibrates when taking damage and destroying objects/terrain.
Dragon Quest 11 No no option for it sadly
Dungeon Siege 3 Yes Environmental effects, primarly. No haptics for attack/damage. Baseline rumble
Dust: An Elysian Tail No A lot of vibration, but never gets picked up. Once every 10 minutes or so
Earth Defence Force 5 Yes Work only with controller.
Elden Ring Yes Vibrates on damage. Requires EAC workaround (instructions linked).
Enslaved: Odyssey to the West Yes Mostly combat and environmental effects.
Enter the Gungeon Yes Starting a level, taking damage, dodging, explosions, flipping tables,
F1 2017 No Doesn’t work
Fall Guys No Just don’t.
Fallout 4 Yes
Fallout 76 Yes
Fez Yes Player fall/land, occasional environmental effects.
FF7 Remake Yes
FFXIV No Use a dedicated mod, see Buttplug Awesome List
Flinthook Yes When taking damage (short bursts)
For The King No
Forced No I am assuming this wont work because of how old it is
Forced Showdown No
Fortnite No OMFG No.
Forza Horizon 4 Yes Works if you use GloSC and start through Steam. Crashes GHR every ~15 minutes or
Forza Horizon 5 No Blocked by anti-cheat
Gauntlet Yes Player damage and death rumble mostly. Not a lot
Goat Simulator Yes Vibrates in combat
Grand Theft Auto V Yes Must enable Vibration
GRIP: Combat Racing Yes Drift, explosions, environmental effects all rumble quite a bit. Adjustable
Groove Coaster No Keyboard only
Gunfire Reborn Yes Lots of vibration
Hades Yes Lots of Vibration but may need to be upped
Halo MCC Yes Requires starting the game with anticheat disabled
Halo: Spartan Assault Yes Explosions, heavy weapons fire. A bit hard on/off on vibration, not much
Hand of Fate 2 Yes Very little Rumble
Hat in Time Yes Haptics does some weird things to the rumble on the controller
House of the Dying Sun (VR) Yes Steam launched. Works after selecting the process in the list.
Hyper Light Drifter Yes
Into the Breach Yes Vibrates when deploying units, taking/dealing dmg, other UI stuff
Invisigun Reloaded Yes Each shot of the gun, running into walls and being hit sets it off, may need
It Takes Two Yes
Jamestown+ Yes Very little moments of rumble (death to player, big enemies and damage to bosses
Jedi Fallen Order Yes Lots of vibration, damage, cutscenes
Jotun No no option to select vibration
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes Yes Vibrates when getting closer to exploding
Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning Yes
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning No Works with the remake!
League of Legends No Rejects GHR due to Anti-Cheat, Use Buttplug Of Legends
Left 4 Dead 2 No Does not support rumble on PC
Let it DIE No Process does not show up
Lethal League Blaze Yes Rumble gets stronger with each speed increase to the ball, Raise multiplyer
Lumines: Remastered No
Middle-earth™: Shadow of War™
Yes Work pretty well, vibrate with most action.
Minecraft Yes With a mod controllable-0.8.0-mc.jar
Minecraft Yes Works with GHR, but ButtplugMC works better
Monster Hunter World Yes
Moonlighter No
Need For Speed Heat Yes
One Finger Death Punch 2 No
One Step from Eden No
Ori and the blind Forest No
Overload No
Overwatch No Rejects GHR due to Anti-Cheat, Use In Heat
Pac Man 256 Yes
Payday 2 Yes Use Controller on Start menu.
Pit People Yes
Remnant: From the Ashes Yes
Risk of Rain 2 No
River City Ransom Underground Yes As far as I know Player taking heavy blows sets it off
Roblox No What is wrong with you
Rollers of the Realm Yes There must be a error in the game or the interface, the rumble would get
Ruiner Yes May want to raise the multiplyer
Secrets of Grindia No No option
Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition Yes
Solar Ash Yes
Sonic All-Start Racing Tournament Yes Boosts, collisions, item hits all vibrate
Splitgate No Uses EQU8 anticheat, does not work with GHR
Spyro Trilogy Collection Yes A lot of vibration triggers
Star Citizen No Bounces off
Star Wars Squadrons (VR) No Launched from steam - No way to send rumble through GHR. Tried to
Streets of Rogue No Works for a bit, then crashes(?)
Tales of Zestria Yes Mainly in combat
TEKKEN 7 Yes Rage arts work well; all other interactions have the same vibration intensity (change
Tetris Effect Yes Has 2 different vibration modes in options too.
The Ascent Yes
Thumper No Need to retest w/ v18
Tom Clancy’s: The Division Yes Shooting, Taking Damage, Falls, anything else that triggers
TowerFall Ascension Yes Losing a life (short bursts)
Tricky Towers No
Trine 4 No
Underhero No
Uno Yes You will…love/hate your friends Vibrates on your turn, this also includes skips
Unsighted Yes
Vermintide 2 Yes
VRChat No Mods not allowed, try OSCGB
Warframe Yes
Wargroove Yes
Way of Samurai 4 Yes Vibrate when hit by power attack.
Wreckfest Yes Lot of vibration
Yooka-Laylee Yes
Yooka-Laylee and the Imossible Lair No
Ys 4 Ark of Napishtim No Process did not load on Haptics
Ys Origin No Process did not load on Haptics
Final Fantasy Origin Stranger of Paradise Yes
Windjammers 2 No
Monster Hunter World ? Attaches but reports of crashing when fighting monsters
Armored Core 6 Yes Requires attaching to Steam, see these instructions
Elden Ring Yes Requires turning off EAC, see these instructions
Ultrakill Yes Mirrors rumble, also has a dedicated mod available
Doom Eternal Yes
Hades No Need to recheck w/ v18
Tetris Effect Yes
Hollow Knight Yes Also has dedicated mod available
Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 No
Among Us Yes only rumbles when pressing the button/emergency meeting is called
Cyberpunk 2077 Yes
Just Cause 3 Yes works well with almost every action
Rivals Of Aether No
Smash Bros Melee Yes (via slippi) works well with getting hit, missing moves, and hitting people
Rounds No doesnt have rumble
Hotline Miami 1 Yes works well when hitting other people
Hotline Miami 2 Yes works well when hitting other people
Stick Fight No No Rumble Support
Cult of the Lamb Yes Not many controller vibrations and if there is any they are very slight. Also has dedicated mod available
Black Ops 3 No
Need for speed: Unbound Yes
Ace Combat 7 Yes
Final Fantasy Origin Stranger of Paradise Yes
The Ascent Yes
Gears of War 1 No
Gears of War 4 No
Gears of War 5 No
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Metal Gear Rising: Revengance - Works great

Lies of P (PC Gamepass version): Yes! Short vibrations on damage taken or blocked, long vibration on death, vibrations on fatal attacks and the first sliding door when you get off the train also (and possibly other interactions, I haven’t gotten very far.

Starfield (PC Gamepass version): No.

Palworld (PC Gamepass version): Either there’s no rumble, or it’s not working on either my controller (8bitdo ultimate) or GHR. The game has a rumble setting for some reason. (edit: apparently an update broke rumble support)

Muse Dash (Steam) - Many possible instances of rumble from damage but few actually get picked up and it tends to be out of sync

Helldivers 2 supports rumble, but does not work.

Rez Infinite: Works fantastic using Steam VR, though I highly suggest the following: After launching the game, go into Settings > Controls, and raise Trance Vibration to the max. In GHR, select your toy and Controller 1, though if you’re playing in pancake mode, you might have to choose Controller 2 instead.

The Trance Vibration mode causes the game to send vibrations to extra controllers, and will vibrate in response to certain events in the game, and starts vibrating in time with the music as a baseline the further you get into the level.

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DREDGE, Thumper, and Outlast all work with the GHR. I tested all of them on 03/30/2024. DREDGE and Thumper both seem to have an issue where a very short vibration event is triggered and maybe doesn’t get caught by the GHR, and it seems like their longer vibration events might be shorter vibrations chained together, making the vibration unsteady and not match the controller vibration. Messing with the packet timing didn’t seem to improve things consistently. Still good fun, and maybe there’s a setting I could tweak to give more info. Outlast works, but doesn’t have a lot of haptic feedback in general, I found it on failed door opens and at the end of jumps.

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Just a heads up on this one, there’s now a dedicated helldivers mod: GitHub - Furimanejo/Hornydivers

could it be possible to make it work with lets say Guitar hero or Clone hero so it rumbles on each miss?

Not really a game per se, but I just tested a demo of a game that’s coming soon on Steam that works really well both thematically and functionally with GHR (which also by extension probably means the game when it comes out will also work but we’ll see).
The game is Wrapturous Adventure (A Yuri BDSM-theme Game) by Wrapturous DevTeam. Connecting to the game via GHR is straightforward and normal; you just also need to turn rumble on in the game’s settings menu and use a controller. Toys will rumble during environmental collisions and explicit scenes.
Keep an eye on this game when it releases; I got a feeling it will probably be a really good fit for GHR when paired with toys… :wink:

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Doesn’t work with DOOM + DOOM II (The collection on Steam). Comes up as UWP, attaches to the process fine, but never relays the vibration.

Hey, I noticed Hades is mentioned twice, but one says Yes and the other says No…

I tried it with Hades 1, doesn’t work. I assume yall meant to say that it only works with Hades 2, then?

EDIT: Not Hades 2 either :frowning: